International Action

Tittle Employability of Young Women in Lima and Bogotá


The COVID-19 crisis has had an enormous impact on employment and on job quality (informal jobs, jobs without any associated rights, etc.). Young women have found themselves particularly vulnerable, especially in Latin America.

The various pandemic exit strategies being implemented on a global level must not result in exclusion of these people from the job market or of rights associated with employment. In this regard, lessons learnt in Spain and Madrid may be useful to other regions. These lessons can be transmitted via the International Labour Organization, the UN agency responsible for promoting decent work and labour rights around the world. The project will be developed by this organisation, which has a presence in the target cities.

The aim is to create opportunities for financial empowerment of young, vulnerable women, some of whom have been victims of violence, and to strengthen their employability by developing initiatives aimed at integrating them into the job market or enabling them to achieve self-employment in a range of areas in line with their qualifications.

Similarly, an international cooperation network supported and spearheaded by Madrid City Council is being launched to foster the development of opportunities to integrate young women into the labour market.


  • Meet the need to create opportunities for self-employment and income generation among young women aged 14 to 28 who live in the Lima Metropolitan Area and Bogotá
  • Integrate the ITO's focus on social protection and tripartite social dialogue at all levels, focusing in particular on strengthening policies and on the inclusion of women in the job market, as well as in the agenda of tripartite social dialogue between employers’ associations, workers and the government
  • Generate new income via new businesses for young, vulnerable women by means of:
    • Fostering a financial culture and access to microloans -- Fostering businesses with access to seed funding
    • Training and virtual technical support using the Gender and Entrepreneurship Together (GET Ahead) method
    • Providing seed funding and support during purchases
    • Promoting health and safety at work
    • Formalization and/or commercial promotion in local markets
  • Strengthening the employability of young, vulnerable women
  • Creating an international cooperation network to promote the development of job market integration opportunities


The project is scheduled to end in 2022, although it will be continued through subsequent projects with similar objectives until the network has been strengthened.


The total budget for 2021, provided for under Madrid City Council's “International Relations” programme, is 260,000 euros.


Madrid Internacional >>

Office of the International Labour Organization in Spain:

Subir Bajar