Culture, Sports and Tourism



Madrid City Council's digital library, Memoriademadrid, has a large collection of digitalised holdings from municipal institutions such as the City Archive, the Historical Library, the Music Library, the Periodicals Archive and the History Museum, among others. In addition to allowing them to be preserved, digitalising documents enables increased circulation, not only among researchers but also the general public.

Miramadrid is an app designed to make this documentary heritage accessible to citizens in a way that’s simple, fun, and fosters knowledge of the city's history and evolution.

The application was developed for mobile devices with Android and iOS operating systems and offers various itineraries of a historical and cultural nature which allow users to discover Madrid through a range of documents, in particular photographs but also maps, press clippings, etc. All of them are georeferenced, which means the mobile device can connect to tools like Google Maps to guide app users to the relevant physical points described, where they can stop and then find out what they were like in the past. It’s also possible, of course, to do a virtual tour without moving around physically.

The app connects to the digital library’s management system, which makes it easy to create new itineraries on a regular basis. At the request of various institutions or for specific dates or projects, this has allowed us to showcase aspects of Madrid’s documentary heritage that are specifically applicable to those institutions, dates or projects, for instance the walks through El Retiro Park suggested in connection with the area’s UNESCO World Heritage nomination.

Itineraries currently available include: La Gran Vía; Paseo del Prado; Plaza Mayor; and 100 Years of Madrid Río, a Global Benchmark.



  • Use documentary sources held by the City Council to raise awareness of the history of the city of Madrid and how it has transformed over time
  • Provide easy, attractive access to the holdings of the MemoriadeMadrid digital library
  • Showcase the digitalised bibliographic and documentary holdings of Madrid's municipal archives, libraries and museums






The Miramadrid app only had an initial cost of 19,310.58 euros in 2016, including VAT.



Website of the MemoriadeMadrid digital library >>

Miramadrid in app stores:

-     For Android devices:>>

-     For Apple devices:>>

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