Social Rights




The various leisure centres managed by adolescents, called “Enredaderos” (Hangouts), are places where young people aged 12 to 17 in the city of Madrid can engage in cultural and recreational activities that foster their development and social skills and facilitate relationships between peers. The Enredaderos are also forums where young people can discuss topics that affect them, which gives them an opportunity to engage and to build self-management skills.

The project was launched in 2016 as a pilot scheme in the Retiro district, based on a proposal made during the 4th Children's Plenary Session of Madrid City Council, held on 20 November 2015. The scheme's popularity led to its expansion in 2017 with the launch of four new centres in the districts of Centro, Villaverde, Fuencarral el Pardo and Moratalaz, and in 2019 another was opened in the district of Puente de Vallecas. There are currently 6 centres operating in the city. 

The scheme is managed under a partnership agreement between Madrid City Council and the INJUCAM Child and Youth Advocacy Federation. During the confinement, in-person activities were replaced with virtual ones on social media, YouTube and Instagram.

In 2020, the health crisis spurred the Enredadero project to successfully reinvent itself and develop innovative processes that have increased its soundness and quality. New technology and social media have been integrated into the facilities in a way that goes beyond mere communication purposes. 



Since its launch, the scheme has been an alternative that's an integral part of teenagers’ free time, which encourages its stability and favourable evolution. Key objectives include:

  • ­Support young people's right to take part in public life and to enjoy their free time in ways of their own choosing
  • Centre users are given the opportunity to develop healthy habits, creative, enterprising personalities, and a willingness to propose new ideas 



Participants in the scheme have increased over the years since its launch. 467 girls and boys took part in 2016, while in 2017 the number rose to 1,628 and in 2020 the Network of Self-Managed Leisure Spaces had 35,224 participants, 1,951 of whom attended in person and 33,273 of whom took part virtually. In 2020, due to the situation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, most participants attended the centre virtually (94.5%).






The municipal budgetary allocation for 2021 was 485,000 euros.



“El Enredadero” Network of Self-Managed Leisure Centres for Adolescents >>

 YouTube >>








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