Urban Development, Works and Equipment




The REHABILITATE (“REHABILITA”) Plan, a programme that’s part of the TRANSFORM MADRID Strategy, consists of various aid packages awarded by public open call in the form of grants that are intended to foster rehabilitation of buildings to improve their accessibility, conservation, energy efficiency and health conditions. The grants are primarily aimed at homeowner associations of residential buildings throughout the city, and the award criteria are less stringent for homes in areas with poor-quality housing and socially vulnerable populations (preferential areas known as “APIRU”, “ARRU” and “ARRUR”).

The amount of aid awarded is a percentage of the total cost of works undertaken by the association, based on their compatibility with the objectives of accessibility, preservation, energy efficiency and health conditions. The Rehabilitate Plan also provides for increased aid to applicants that sign up for the Monitoring Plan, which allows, among other things, energy-efficiency indicators to be assessed after the building’s rehabilitation.



This project has the following strategic objectives:

  • Contribute to the conservation and rehabilitation of existing residential buildings
  • Contribute to fostering sustainable urban development, architecture, urban design and access to housing

It also has the following operational objectives:

  • Promote and support the fulfilment of obligations by homeowner associations with respect to carrying out works and taking actions necessary to foster universal accessibility to the greatest extent possible
  • Promote and support the fulfilment, by owners of existing residential buildings in the city of Madrid, of their obligations under the applicable Ordinance on Conservation, Rehabilitation and Dilapidation of Buildings (OCRERE) as well as the ongoing conservation of buildings at all times, helping to improve the state of the city's properties
  • Foster the inclusion of energy-saving measures and a reduction in the demand for conservation and rehabilitation works in existing residential buildings in the city of Madrid
  • Promote improved health conditions in homes and support fulfilment, by owners of existing residential buildings, of tasks like eliminating and replacing roofs and facades containing asbestos, thereby helping to improve the state of the properties in the city of Madrid
  • Foster overall rehabilitation of residential properties in the city of Madrid



The plan, which began in 2020 and is part of the Strategic Grants Plan of the Department of Urban Development, includes a call for proposals held on an annual basis.



The first call for proposals (2020 Rehabilitate Plan) had an initial budget of 9 million euros with the possibility, which was eventually exercised in light of the call’s success, of increasing this budget by an additional 6 million euros. In view of this, a budget of 50 million euros has been allocated for the current call (2021 Rehabilitate Plan), to be distributed between the two application submission periods foreseen.



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