Health and Safety



For thirty years now, Madrid City Council has been offering assistance for addiction-related problems in Madrid's citizens. Using a model with a flexible approach tailored to the different profiles of people with addictions or at risk of developing them, it has gradually assembled a network with a number of resources that are used throughout the comprehensive care process.

The network’s strategic lines are structured around prevention in the educational and community spheres, comprehensive care for adolescents and young people, and comprehensive treatment for adults, with specific actions and interventions aimed at women and at preventing and detecting gender-based violence. In recent years, there has been a focus on intervention for gambling additions and for technology overuse.

The network has seven municipally owned Addiction Care Centres (“CAD”) and three subsidised Addiction Care Centres (“CCAD”) that provide interdisciplinary (biopsychosocial) care, as well as various services and resources to support treatment and reintegration (flats, therapeutic community places, dual pathology centre). It also has resources that facilitate detection and access for groups with the greatest difficulties, always by means of work carried out at the community level, in close coordination with territories and natural environments.

  • The focus is on the characteristics of the person with additions or at risk of developing them rather than on the substance consumed or the addictive behaviour in question.
  • Emphasis is placed on consensus with the patient regarding therapeutic indications, resulting in greater adherence to treatment.
  • Care is offered to people with diverse identities (sexual orientation, different abilities, different origins, cultures, languages, etc.) in a way that allows a response that suits their specific needs while promoting their social integration in parallel.
  • A cross-cutting programme of comprehensive care is offered for adolescents and young people.
  • Emphasis is placed on the most vulnerable groups with the greatest difficulty making changes or gaining access to the network.
  • Harm reduction programmes are offered for people who can’t or don't want to stop consuming.
  • Significant efforts are made to reintegrate patients, fostering training and pre-employment activities tailored to these sorts of situations through a specific Employment Counselling Service.
  • Community work is prioritised, in accordance with the needs of citizens and in close cooperation with the District Municipal Boards for the purpose of designing and implementing actions, community programmes and specific services tailored to the needs of each district.



This network was created with the aim of offering a comprehensive response to addiction, a complex problem with multiple causes, as well as to facilitate more effective access to and use of resources. To this end, the following objectives have been set:


  • Promote actions to prevent addictive behaviours and/or delay the age at which they begin, and to reduce the risks associated with them
  • Offer adolescents and young people with addictions or at risk of developing them the care and resources needed to address, in a comprehensive manner and incorporating a gender perspective, situations of risk, addictive behaviours and the harm and consequences arising from them, seeking to improve their health and quality of life, their family and social environments, and their level of integration
  • Offer adults with addictions the care and resources needed to address, in a comprehensive manner and incorporating a gender perspective, both their problem with addiction and the harm and consequences arising from it, seeking the highest possible degree of integration in society and to improve their health and quality of life as well as their family and social environments



2021:  €23,576,355

Staff:  €10,845,822

Communal Living Settings for People with Addictions programme: €3,922,568

Addictions programme: €8,807,965


2022 forecast:  €25,687,103

Staff:  €12,372,997

Communal Living Settings for People with Addictions programme €4,098,981

Addictions programme: €9,215,125



  • 1,904 adolescents and young people (under 25) in individual intervention programmes. 662 meet addiction criteria (74% male and 26% female).
  • 1,337 families assisted in the Family Counselling Service
  • 8,589 people receiving treatment (78% male and 22% female)
  • 609 homeless people being treated for addiction
  • 496 people receiving treatment integrated into the labour market



The network is 30 years old, although in 2011 the changes described began to be instituted. These changes were ratified in the Addiction Plan 2017-2021. The Addiction Plan 2022-2026 is expected to be approved in the first quarter of 2022.



Madrid Salud addiction website >>

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