Health and Safety

Tittle Emergency Medical Services Performance Evaluation


Like most emergency services in southern Europe, SAMUR - Protección Civil provides what might be called a two-tier service, with two main tools for emergency medical assistance: ALS (Advanced Life Support) units, which have a doctor, a nurse and an emergency medical technician (EMT) on board, and BLF (Basic Life Support) units, with two EMTs on board.

The on-site performance evaluation is a pioneering healthcare quality control system which enables assistance to be directly evaluated at the location where it is provided, allowing in-depth knowledge of each worker’s job performance and assessment of individual and group training needs.

The system ensures the presence of evaluators in roughly 5% of all activities, including all medical assistance and complex coordination activities, as well as in a sizeable share of instances resolved by the basic life support unit.


  • Ensure patient safety by preventing assistance errors through on-site supervision and guaranteeing uniform treatment that is essentially independent of the worker in question and is updated based on current scientific research evidence
  • Detect individual and collective training requirements which are subsequently included in annual training plans, achieving high levels of satisfaction
  • Generate feedback for each worker which is communicated to them in one-to-one interviews with the system's managers, where they are informed of their evaluation results, their strengths and potential areas for improvement


The project began in 1997 and continues to operate (ongoing duration).


No expenditure is required. Costs are included in the price of on-site assistance.


Two chief doctors on-call, one nurse and one EMT 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This project was selected at the open call for the 2nd FIDISP Awards (Foundation for Research, Education and Innovation in Patient Safety), which it won in 2020. >>


SAMUR & Protección Civil website >>

Service Charter >>

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