Social Rights




Madrid City Council has set up two offices that aim to foster migrants’ social integration and promote their participation in city life by providing social support with all matters arising in connection with their migration process.

This project provides comprehensive assistance and thus focuses on the following action areas: 

  • Information and counselling
  • Spanish language classes with educational material compiled in-house and recognised by universities
  • Training and employment (recognised internationally as ‘good practice’)    
  • Translation of texts and phone interpreting service available to users and employees of municipal social assistance services. A code is entered into the phone to access the desired language and simultaneous interpretation.
  • Social support



  • Provide general information on substantive aspects of the Law on Foreign Nationals (Ley de Extranjería) and about social services and resources available in the city of Madrid
  • Provide specific information and counselling on matters involving foreign nationals, housing, employment, training/education and other questions commonly asked by those who request information and assistance from the office
  • Offer immigrants support by answering their questions
  • Design and put together the content of information documents to be provided to citizens who visit the centres
  • Facilitate communication between immigrants and locals by offering Spanish and literacy classes
  • Offer immigrants job training and programmes aimed at facilitating their entry into the labour market
  • Facilitate access to information by providing a text translation and phone interpreting service
  • Provide information on available resources and procedures in the event of racist or discriminatory actions, to defend those who have experienced discrimination of a racist, xenophobic or other hate-related nature



1 February 2019 to 31 December 2023. Ongoing project.



Cost of project:  €1,306,355.30 (€703,537.81 North Office; €602,817.49 South Office)  



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