Social Rights




Madrid, Age-Friendly City 2021-2023 is an action plan that's fully integrated into the municipal strategy and reflects its commitment to achieving an open, inclusive city that fosters personal development with full enjoyment of rights at all ages.

The overarching actions and specific measures set out in the 2021-2023 Plan are based on the eight aspects of the urban and social environment identified by the WHO as determinants of health and quality of life, and are divided into three broad strategic areas:

  • Civic and Social Environment: A City for All Generations
  • Prevention and Comprehensive Care: A City that Meets the Needs of its Older Residents
  • Friendly Urban Environment: A City that Suits Everyone

The first area encompasses four of the eight aspects identified by the WHO as key factors in the active ageing process: Respect and Social Inclusion, Social Participation, Communication and Information, and Civic Participation and Employment.

It should be noted that the actions grouped under this area are to be carried out in the city of Madrid as a whole rather than spaces traditionally associated with the elderly. Although municipal day centres remain a meeting place for many of the city’s older residents, the diverse nature of this population group and its new⁠—and legitimate⁠—aspirations require a different, more open outlook free of the age-based labels that have fanned the flames of ageism.

The second area relates to one of the eight factors identified by the WHO as determinants of active ageing: Health and Social Services. The actions in this area aim to promote healthy, active ageing and to detect, prevent and delay the onset of symptoms of isolation and dependence. It also encompasses a network of municipal social services that work together with other community and health services to offer coordinated, comprehensive care and contribute to improving older people's quality of life, helping them remain in their usual places of residence by providing a range of services.

The last area relates to three of the eight factors that the WHO considers determinants of active ageing: Housing, Outdoor Spaces and Buildings, and Transport. The actions in this strategic area aim to contribute to improving the physical space where city life takes place: from the home to the neighbourhood to the city as a whole. The goal is to make progress with respect to the accessibility and adaptability of homes, communities and modes of transport.



  •  Design structures and services to allow all people, regardless of age, ability or capacity, to enjoy good health, safe living and active participation in all areas of social life
  • Recognise their diversity
  • Protect the most vulnerable
  • Promote their inclusion and contributions in all areas of community life
  • Respect their decisions and lifestyle choices
  • Anticipate and respond flexibly to meet their needs and preferences regarding ageing



109 actions in total, realised through 239 specific measures:

  • 47 actions and 95 specific measures relate to Strategic Area 1
  • 38 actions and 101 specific measures relate to Strategic Area 2
  • 24 actions and 43 specific measures relate to Strategic Area 3



Total Budget: €906,924,380.99

  • 2021: €371,135,282.48
  • 2022: €319,346,499.89
  • 2023: €216,442,598.62



Madrid, Age-Friendly City >>







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