Social Rights




The municipal nurseries run by Madrid City Council are specialised educational facilities that form their own municipal network. Aimed at children aged 0 to 3, they provide educational services and support for families. 71 nurseries are operating at present, and there are plans to add 3 more to the network.

These municipal centres are designed as spaces for socialisation that welcome family diversity and prioritise not the work-life balance but rather meeting the needs of minors and their families, safeguarding both of their rights to develop a solid, high-quality bond.

Access to the nurseries is facilitated by reducing or eliminating fees, which makes the new network a tool that redresses social inequalities and one of the best investments to ensure that participants can overcome the disadvantages with which minors from more vulnerable backgrounds enter the formal educational setting.

The new network impacts aspects related to educational quality during the early years of childhood: student-educator ratio, teacher training and experience, group size and educational programme.

The network fosters the attainment of Sub-Goal 4.2 of Goal 4 of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda adopted by the United Nations General Assembly: “… ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre-primary education so that they are ready for primary education”. 



  • Promote the individual development of each boy and girl
  • Develop safe spaces that foster well-being and free, autonomous action
  • Put in place the ideal educational duo: two highly-qualified educational professionals per classroom and lower student-teacher ratios
  • Improve the wages of nursery staff
  • Award nursery management contracts based on the educational projects and social and employment improvement proposals submitted rather than on lower costs
  • Promote healthy, organic, sustainable diets
  • Foster measures to give particular attention to diversity
  • Better qualifications for educational staff
  • Establish a minimum contract duration that allows the educational projects proposed to be fully developed in addition to encouraging the team's stability
  • Make admission decisions for families by taking into account their individual circumstances and any specific difficulties they have looking after minors, without penalising those who are not working






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