Health and Safety



The “Madrid, Healthy City” strategy identifies a set of municipal actions aimed at preventing disease and promoting health in the city of Madrid.

 It takes on the challenge of meeting new health needs stemming from the pandemic, expanding its public health guidance while making sure to address the usual health promotion and prevention needs in Madrid's population, within the framework of the national health system's Health Promotion and Prevention Strategy, which Madrid City Council joined in 2017.

It also cements the position of the Network of Health Promotion and Prevention Centres as an essential municipal service.



  • ­      Develop health promotion and disease prevention actions in the city of Madrid
  • ­      Create a network of esteemed centres and lead the way in promoting spaces for interaction and intersectoral coordination in health care
  • ­      Establish a solid relationship with district social networks
  • ­      Promote and raise awareness of health as an important factor to consider in municipal            policymaking



The strategy includes actions that have been expanded upon during the pandemic:

­   Public Health Guidance 

The sudden outbreak of the pandemic and the age of the guidance for other services led to further development of this area of key importance for the purpose of fostering the ability of instructions given to citizens to prevent disease and promote health during epidemiological crises, which includes actions such as:

  • ­   COVID-19 diagnosis (PCRs, rapid tests, antigen tests) of essential municipal worker health and social services workers, teachers, etc.
  • ­   Guidance for municipal services or social organisations on pandemic-related preventive measures
  • ­   Information and awareness-raising points
  • ­   Training the Employment Agency’s COVID information agents
  • ­   Supporting Madrid's regional government with MenACWY and flu vaccination as well as, at present, COVID-19 vaccination


­Loneliness Prevention

Loneliness can be seen as a global epidemic that primarily affects major cities like Madrid. This project aims to prevent loneliness by fostering a network society that connects people and promotes health and well-being.  


­ Compassionate Communities and Prevention of Pathological Grief

Grief is a natural response after losing a loved one, and COVID-19 has caused unexpected deaths. Contagion prevention measures have made it impossible to provide companionship for loved ones, which is a risk factor for their ability to handle grief.

It has therefore become necessary to provide information, care and advice to those who have lost a loved one and people with terminal diseases, as well as to their carers and/or family members in order to strengthen their ability to handle grief.


­ Prevention of Suicide

This initiative is aimed at the segment of the population whose work specifically involves preventing suicide in young people, and actions have been developed for implementation in secondary schools.


­ Prevention of Childhood Obesity

 Since the fourth quarter of 2021, this programme has included a new initiative with a risk strategy aimed at overweight children, which fosters healthy eating and physical activity and is implemented mainly in educational settings.


­  Reinforcement of the Social Inequalities in Health Programme

Social inequalities in health are growing, and there are some difficulties associated with accessing primary care and specialised health services. Changes in everyday life due to restrictions can also alter the development and/or maintenance of healthy habits.

In view of this, the actions in the programme devoted to inequalities in health are reinforced both with respect to health and to emotional distress. This provides the other programmes with the methodological tools necessary to achieve equality in health and the application of proportionate universalism.



In addition, the following programmes have been maintained. They are mainly implemented by the 16 Municipal Community Health Centres (“CMSc”), which cover the city's 21 districts with the support of a number of Specialised Centres and Diagnostic Support Units.

 ­   Cross-cutting Programmes:

­ Social Inequalities in Health, which provides the other programmes with the methodological tools necessary to achieve equality in health and the application of proportionate universalism

­ Promotion of Mental Health, which contributes by providing the other programmes with key drivers for fostering and maintaining healthy habits

Programmes Aimed at Specific Areas of Health:

  • ­ Food and Physical Activity
  • ­ Smoking Prevention
  • ­ Sexual and Reproductive Health

 ­   Programmes Aimed at Promoting Health at Certain Stages of Life:

  • ­ Maternal and Child Health
  • ­ Educational Sphere
  • ­ Healthy, Active Ageing






  • Over 500 nursing, medical and mental health professionals, social workers, etc. in 24 centres
  • 16 Municipal Community Health Centres distributed around the city's districts, which provide annual care for over 63,000 people in individual consultations
  • Over 13,000 people in specialised and support centres
  • 36,000 new people cared for
  • 8 specialised and support centres



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