Social Rights




Casa Grande is a network of facilities run by Madrid City Council which are open to children up to 4 years old who live in the city of Madrid. They provide a welcoming space for mothers, fathers and others who take care of these children, where families are invited to play freely, discover, experiment, create, learn and interact with each other. 

In addition to working to foster interaction and relationship-building, the Casa Grande team of professionals is open to questions about everyday concerns relating to childrearing and childcare. Children must be accompanied on site at all times by at least one responsible adult.

 This project was launched to satisfy the need for a recreational space that encourages interaction between families with children who live in the city of Madrid.

It began to operate on 1 May 2018, with four Casa Grande facilities located in the districts of Carabanchel, Ciudad Lineal, Tetuán and Villa de Vallecas. It is aimed at families who reside in the city of Madrid and admission is free until full capacity is reached.



  • Provide a space for recreational interaction between parents, their children and other families which also helps ease mothers’ and fathers’ worries and fosters their ability to manage and understand their children’s needs
  • Enable reflection on childrearing experiences and family fun through play
  • Foster relationships and attachments that promote the development of confident children



The project was launched in 2018 as a pilot scheme in 4 districts and is open to all residents of the city of Madrid. It is scheduled to run for two years, with a possible extension for another two. It is open every day of the week except Monday.



In 2020, the facilities welcomed 3,221 children from 2,858 different families.



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