Health and Safety

Tittle Stray Cat Colony Management Training


The Cat Colonies course material is available to all citizens and organisations that wish to use it, with the aim of enabling an in-depth understanding of urban and feral cat populations and the best practices that should be used in their management with a view to providing them with an adequate standard of living while taking the population control measures necessary to keep their number within acceptable limits that allow for their integration in our city.

It consists of thirty sections grouped into eight themed modules: Legislation; General Information on Cats and Health; Origins and Characteristics of Urban Cat Populations; Basic Pillars of the Trap, Neuter and Release Strategy; Cat Colony Management; Rights and Obligations of Collaborators; and FAQs.

The course is aimed at anyone who wishes to be accredited as a cat colony management collaborator in the city of Madrid, under the terms of the protocols and procedures established by Madrid City Council.

It is also, by extension, aimed at any other person (resident or non-resident in Madrid) who wishes to consult all of the information available, whether for personal knowledge or to promote implementation of Trap, Neuter and Release in other places or cities which do not currently have specific guidelines or protocols in place.

It is also available to public or private entities that believe it could be a useful tool to achieve, in their respective areas of activity, the same objectives outlined above, with the authorisation of Madrid City Council and provided they do not modify the course content, that there is no intention to make a profit and that Madrid City Council's authorship is mentioned and maintained.


The city of Madrid is renowned for being a friend to animals. It develops programmes to promote animal welfare and protection with the aim of ensuring their sustainable integration in the city, and takes measures in domestic animal populations to ensure their health and safety in order to minimise their impact on public health.

Encouraging the adoption of abandoned pets and initiatives to improve sustainability with respect to the presence of animals in the city are some of measures taken as part of the action programmes developed by the Animal Protection Centre run by Madrid City Council via Madrid Salud.

The Department of Veterinary Services manages the cohabitation of citizens and animals, working to preserve residents’ health and safety while ensuring the protection and welfare of the animals -mainly pets- that share our city. The measures it has taken in urban cat colonies are a prime example of the partnership between citizens and Madrid City Council.

The presence of stray cats in urban areas must be approached from a position of respect and a desire to promote harmonious cohabitation of people and animals that share the same space, in compliance with animal welfare, health and protection regulations.

The Trap, Neuter and Release strategy is a recognised, widely used tool for adequate population control of such animals, minimising the undesired effects that their presence in certain areas can have.

Since 2016, Madrid City Council has launched a number of initiatives aimed at appropriate implementation of these sorts of measures, which have been carried out with the altruistic collaboration of Madrid's residents.


To be able to count on collaborators who are not just committed but also trained and familiar with the best practices to use to ensure successful implementation of the Trap, Neuter and Release strategy.

Achieve suitable implementation of the strategy to improve cats’ quality of life, reducing problems associated with overpopulation and fostering appropriate integration in the city, thereby contributing to improved cohabitation with citizens.


Ongoing project

Began in July 2021


1,800 colonies recorded in the city of Madrid

1,200 accredited collaborators

1,400 cats neutered and released


Colonias Felinas (“Cat Colonies”, available in Spanish only) >>

Cat Colony Management Accreditation >>

Veterinary Services >>


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