Social Rights




Madrid is with You Fighting Loneliness (Madrid contigo ante la soledad no deseada) is geared towards users of Remote Assistance, a municipal service, whose circumstances have resulted in solitude and painful feelings of loneliness. It aims to increase the accessibility of available resources in the area offered by the organisations Solidarios, Grandes Amigos and Nadiesolo, and enable close, affectionate relationships to develop between elderly people and volunteers. 

The objective is to develop a “Madrid is with You Fighting Loneliness” pilot scheme that allows detection, referral and intervention for both volunteers and Remote Assistance users who are experiencing loneliness due to unwanted solitude, offering them a resource that helps mitigate their situations of particular vulnerability. To this end, the Directorate-General for the Elderly and the organisations Atenzia, Asispa, Televida, Nadiesolo, Grandes Amigos and Solidarios agreed to work together to tackle loneliness in the elderly and provide instances of companionship (at home or over the phone). The project is aimed at people over 65 who use the Remote Assistance service run by Madrid City Council, match the intervention profiles used by Solidarios, Grandes Amigos and Nadiesolo, and either feel lonely due to unwanted solitude or are at risk of suffering it.

The resources drawn on belong to the signatory organisations, NGOs, and companies awarded contracts to manage the Remote Assistance service.

Madrid City Council places its Remote Assistance service and social services network at the disposal of this scheme, including services related to the strategy for tackling loneliness caused by unwanted solitude.



General Objective:

  • Reduce feelings of loneliness from unwanted solitude in elderly users of the service and contribute to strengthening and enriching their environment

 Specific Objectives:

  • Identify people with internalised feelings of loneliness and/or who are at risk of suffering it
  • Intervene and seek responses in the area to mitigate loneliness due to unwanted solitude in the elderly
  •  Foster an informal support network through joint efforts between the organisations ATENZIA, ASISPA and TUNSTALL TELEVIDA and partner organisations: Solidarios, Grandes Amigos and Nadiesolo
  • Achieve a perception of solitude that doesn’t cause distress and a social network with which the elderly person in question can interact



One year (September 2021 – September 2022)



Loneliness in the Elderly >> 

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