Health and Safety

Tittle Ambulance Dispatch Confirmation


When a citizen calls Central Communications (112) from a mobile phone to request emergency medical assistance, a SAMUR unit is activated and dispatched to the requester’s location.

When it is leaving for the citizen’s location, an SMS is sent to the citizen from Central Communications informing them of the exact time of the unit's departure and the address of its destination. This information can then be confirmed by the citizen. Almost 60% of all requests for assistance received are made from mobile phones.


  • Reassure users by confirming that their requests are being responded to
  • Allow citizens reporting incidents to determine the real response time of the unit headed to the location of the incident
  • Confirm the ambulance’s destination, giving citizens a chance to correct it if necessary or send additional information to improve the assistance provided


The project began in 2009 and will run indefinitely.


The project is sustainable, automated and linked to medical assistance quality evaluations, with no additional expenditure required.


SAMUR & Protección Civil website >>

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