Social Rights




The City of Madrid Household Panel is a project launched by Madrid City Council via the Department of Families, Equality and Social Welfare with the aim of obtaining reliable, up-to-date information regarding socio-economic status, the needs of vulnerable members of the population and the use of public social services by Madrid’s citizens.

The initiative is innovative in its sphere due to its combination of three key factors: its analysis is based on the household as a whole rather than on individuals; it takes a longitudinal perspective (it will monitor the same households over time); and its scope is district-wide as well as citywide, which will allow the data obtained to be presented in a georeferenced format.

The Household Panel operates through a phone survey of a sample of Madrid households large enough to provide representative data for each of the city's 21 districts (8,600 households).

The results will be published on the Transparency Portal and the Open Data Portal of Madrid City Council.



  • Obtain reliable, up-to-date information about the characteristics and composition of households in Madrid, identifying vulnerable population groups and a potential demand for services and benefits while also detecting any possible niches of unmet needs
  • Follow up over the years to assess the evolution of households at social risk, which will offer an extremely valuable perspective for the purposes of studying the chronification of vulnerability and social mobility in the city
  •  Identify and analyse differences between households in Madrid according to district of residence, with a view to designing strategies to restore territorial balance in the city
  •  Pass all of this information on to municipal managers so it can be used as a tool for planning, follow-up and evaluation of plans, projects and services, allowing them to be adjusted each year
  •  Make all of this information available to other governments, universities and public and private organisations to foster and facilitate further studies on the city of Madrid’s population
  •  Provide relevant information for the various observatories set up at the government department level, including, most notably, the observatories on Gender Violence, Homophobia, The Elderly, and Children and Young People
  • Comply with the City Agreements (Acuerdos de la Villa) approved by the City Council in a plenary session on 7 July 2020



 This survey is expected to be annual, with the first one conducted in 2021.



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