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Madrid, 25 al 27 de abril 2019
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EMS2019 - Calls Initially Identified as cardiac arrest, Resulting another pathology at the arrival of life support
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Characteristics of sexual agression victims attended by SAMUR Protección CIvil
PDF, 798 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Communication of bad news in emergencies
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Communication strategies in emergencies with people with intellectual disabilities
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Drug-facilitated sexual assault, factors associated to a prehospital emergency system
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Electrocardiographic abnormalities in patient with subarachnoid haemorrhage
PDF, 308 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Emergency Medical care during urban riots. Lavapiés 2018
JPG, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Epidemiology of fall injuries with polytrauma code
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Epidemiology of motorcycle accident included in Polytrauma Code
PDF, 788 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Gradient of base excess as a metabolic marker in the detection of severe hidden lesions in trauma patients
PDF, 943 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Hazmat EMS Truck
PDF, 2 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Hyperglicemia increases mortality at seven days in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
PDF, 561 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Impact of atmospheric contamination on patients seen by emergency medical services
PDF, 540 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Injuries and fatalities resulting from road traffic-pedestrian collisions in the underage population
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Mean arterial pressure and excess base are early predictors for Hemorrhagic shock in stab wounds
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Medical pathologies after a door opening by Fire Department
PDF, 952 Kbytes
EMS2019 - NIHSS as a suitable prehospital method to evaluate large-vessel occlusion in EMS
PDF, 1 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Pulmonary embolism procedure validation of echgraphy in PE by emergency physicians
PDF, 738 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Study of the Thank you letters received by an extrahospital service
PDF, 786 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Success of Out-of-Hospital fribrinolysis in a conscious patient with massive pulmonary thromboembolism
JPG, 4 Mbytes
EMS2019 - The initial values of cerebral oximetry constitute an independent variable associated with survival in CRP
PDF, 921 Kbytes
EMS2019 - The severe trauma: excess of bases and to a lesser extent lactate, is configured as an excellent predictor of survival
JPG, 4 Mbytes
EMS2019 - Use of Ecofast in out-of-hospital emergency, early diagnosis of aortic dissection
PDF, 600 Kbytes
EMS2019 - Which teamwork skills are making an impact in emergency care?
PDF, 924 Kbytes
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