
URBACT's mission is to enable cities to work together and develop integrated solutions to common urban challenges by creating networks, learning from each other's experiences, drawing lessons, and identifying best practices to improve urban policies. The Madrid City Council has the Municipal Police as a key collaborator in the development of urban design actions based on the security perspective (Security by Design).



URBACT is a program primarily funded by the European Union, specifically through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It promotes sustainable and integrated urban development through exchange and learning among member states, encompassing 550 cities, 29 countries, and 7000 active local agents. Madrid participates in two URBACT networks: urban security and solidarity economy, economic development, and social innovation. In the urban security network, the Madrid City Council collaborates with the Municipal Police to develop urban design actions based on a security perspective (Security by Design). This approach focuses on strengthening community ties as key tools to address urban challenges and architectural design that enhances city safety. It aims to reinforce local community structures and utilize participatory tools to promote social cohesion and better coexistence for a safer and more participatory city.

Subir Bajar