
The project focuses on formulating policy recommendations and practical, innovative, ethical, and effective solutions for the participating police forces to identify, map, and develop skills against terrorist radicalization. Seven law enforcement agencies from various European countries collaborate on this project, along with think tanks, research centres, universities, industrial associations, and NGOs from 10 EU member states.

Topic/ SEC SEC 06 FCT 2016 “Developing a comprehensive approach to violent radicalization in the EU from early understanding to improving protection”.

1/10/2017 to 21/09/2020.

MMP Units  SECAI, International Relations Unit.
Participant countries

Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Poland, the United Kingdom, and Spain.


The MINDb4ACT project is coordinated by the Elcano Royal Institute. It will bring together the cooperative work of a network of European research centres and institutions whose mission will be to develop, transversally over three years, "a large number of reports, analyses, and academic studies," as well as meetings, seminars, and conferences, to try to combat radicalization through preventive and innovative actions.

The project will align its research priorities with some of the most relevant issues identified by the European Commission.

All actions will be developed in 5 specific areas: Penitentiary centers and the judicial system, immigrant reception centers, educational centers, urban areas, Internet, and media.

MINDb4ACT will bring together expert researchers in the sensitive field of violent radicalization, law enforcement agencies from different countries in Europe, and associations in continuous contact with citizens to develop methodologies through pilot projects, as well as concepts and best practices to prevent early radicalization.

The role of the Madrid Municipal Police will be key to achieving the project's objectives, thanks to their experience and ability to dialogue and understand people affected by racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance. The community policing units of the police, such as the Coexistence and Prevention Unit, Diversity Management Unit, Tutoring Officers, and Citizen Assistance Offices (OAC), will play a crucial role in this regard.

Additionally, a web-based platform will be created to gather relevant information that can be extrapolated across the EU.

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