
The project, led by the Immigration and Emigration Secretariat of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, aims to raise awareness and prevent racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance. It promotes non-discrimination and coexistence at the local level through collaboration with Local Community Policing.

Topic/ SEC JUST/2015/RRAC/AG.  Community Policing against racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance. 
Participant countries

Spain, United Kingdom, Portugal, Latvia, Finland, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Italy.


Transnational project led by the General Secretariat of Immigration and Emigration of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security through the Spanish Observatory against Racism and Xenophobia. The project aims to raise awareness and prevent racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance, including hate crimes, at the local level. It focuses on empowering local authorities, especially Municipal Police, to identify and prevent such forms of intolerance.

Specific objectives include identifying local best practices among Community Policing units, designing a Mutual Learning Program for Community Police to strengthen their ability to identify and respond to racist, xenophobic, and hate incidents, and creating a practical knowledge-sharing network among Community Policing units.

The Municipal Police of Madrid, along with Oberaxe, leads the Mutual Learning Program, which involves designing an operational manual for Community Police and organizing training sessions for Community Police from across Europe, scheduled for June 2018 in Madrid. This project supports the promotion of equality and non-discrimination and builds on previous efforts to combat racism and xenophobia in collaboration with other institutions.

Subir Bajar