
The PRACTICIES project mobilizes networks of European cities, experts from the humanities, political sciences, and information sciences to better understand the human roots of violent radicalization by constructing concrete and practical prevention tools.

Topic/ SEC

SEC-06-FTC-2016.     Association Against Violent Radicalization in Cities.


01/06/2017 to 01/06/2020.

Participant countries

Spain, France, Austria, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, and Tunisia.


The PRACTICIES Project aims to establish a 'European Alliance against Violence and Hate Speech in Cities,' funded by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 program. This initiative seeks to create a network of cities cooperating to prevent violent radicalization, including international, regional, and local institutions, as well as academics, representatives from civil society, schools, families, associations, and technology companies.

The project aims to evaluate the risks and protective factors against radicalization among youth, as well as current programs and policies to address it. Additionally, it seeks to identify best practices for reducing tensions within communities.

Press releases
Subir Bajar