
Project framed within the European call for the development of a comprehensive approach to violent radicalization, from early detection to enhanced protection. The Consortium, composed of entities from 8 countries, will develop communication tools and policy recommendations for security institutions. The Municipal Police participates in the evaluation and validation of case studies and the dissemination of results.


H2020-SEC-2016-2017-1.  Policy recommendations and enhanced communication tools for law enforcement agencies and security agencies tasked with preventing violent radicalization.

Duration 01/05/2017 to 30/04/2020.
Participant countries

Germany, the Netherlands, Ireland, Greece, France, Great Britain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Spain.


The overall goal of the project is to prevent and combat violent radicalization and extremism through a comprehensive study of individual behaviour in their family, social, and digital environment.

To achieve its objectives, PERICLES will analyse different violent ideologies, with particular emphasis on the risks associated with violent propaganda on the internet.

PERICLES aims to analyse the process leading to radicalization and its personal, family, and social implications. To do so, the project plans to develop a set of five tools for early detection, essential for social workers, law enforcement agencies, prison officials, as well as other professionals and family members in direct contact with individuals at risk of radicalization or who are already radicalized.


Subir Bajar