
A tool to expedite police investigations by analysing large amounts of forensic data. It aims to significantly enhance the effectiveness of current investigative practices. It manages forensic data from various heterogeneous sources such as surveillance cameras, computers, hard drives, mobile devices, the internet, and handwritten or hand-printed documents. The Municipal Police of Madrid has collaborated in designing this tool, which will facilitate, among other things, police investigations into workplace accidents.
Topic/ SEC FP7 Security. SEC 2013.1.6-1.  Computer tool for the processing and analysis of large amounts of digital data for police investigations.
Duration 01/05/2014 to 31/10/2017.
Participant countries

Greece, UK, Norway, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, Portugal, Spain.


The LASIE project, part of the EU's 7th Framework Programme, is a software tool designed to assist law enforcement agencies in their role as Judicial Police during investigative tasks.

Three usage scenarios or cases have been developed, including a real or simulated case to serve as an example for project members to work on and develop the tool. The Municipal Police of Madrid has provided the "use case 2".

Focused on real workplace accidents, efforts have centred on constructing a software tool to aid police investigators in resolving such incidents (causes and responsibilities) both in the field and in final report preparation.

A platform has been created with an interface allowing investigators to reconstruct accident scenes in 3D using innovative graphics techniques. It also assists in guiding the investigation process by enabling text analysis techniques and natural language processing methods on reports, which are later presented to Judicial Authorities.

Two additional usage cases include a tool for the Metropolitan Police Service of London, aiding specialized officers (known as "super recognizers") in visualizing and analysing vast amounts of video footage to locate suspects, and a third case aimed at improving investigations of missing persons.


Subir Bajar