
First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficienT Emergency Response

The Faster Project investigates and develops a set of solutions for first responders in emergency situations, tailored to their needs and requirements. It adopts a new approach to validating tools under conditions simulating real-world work environments, while respecting the EU's social values, fundamental rights, and current legislation to ensure results accepted by society.

Topic/ SEC


Advanced first responder technologies for a safe and effective emergency response.

Duration May 2019- May 2022.
Participant countries

Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Netherlands, Portugal, Malta, Finland, Belgium, Poland, Japan.


The project aims to address challenges associated with protecting first responders in hazardous environments while enhancing their capabilities in terms of situational awareness and communication. It will provide innovative tools for collecting data from a secure IoT platform (a network of interconnected devices) for real-time processing of heterogeneous physiological and critical environmental data collected from smart textiles, wearables, sensors, and social networks.



“This project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation under grant agreement Nº 833507.

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