Civitas - Eccentric

Civitas Eccentric is a European research project aimed at testing innovative measures in cities to improve sustainable mobility in the periphery and urban logistics for freight transportation.


H2020-MG-2015. Innovative solutions for sustainable mobility in the peripheral areas of cities.


01/09/2016 to 31/08/2020.

MMP Units CID Puente de Vallecas, CID Villa de Vallecas, Traffic Investigation Unit.
Participant countries Madrid, Stockholm (Sweden), Munich (Germany), Ruse (Bulgaria), Turku (Finland).

Civitas Eccentric is a European research project aimed at testing innovative measures to improve sustainable mobility in the periphery and urban logistics for freight transportation.

The central aim of the project is to demonstrate the potential and feasibility of integrated and inclusive urban planning approaches, innovative policies, and emerging technologies. Clean vehicles and fuels are being tested, new regulations are being prepared, new services are being created, and solutions for consolidating freight distribution are being developed, all in close collaboration between the public and private sectors.

Eccentric is testing innovative mobility policies for people residing in neighbourhoods outside the city centre. These neighbourhoods are characterized by collective housing and high population density. In some cases, they face social issues such as unemployment, as well as urban problems like the deterioration of public spaces and insufficient amenities.

The Vallecas neighbourhood serves as the laboratory area for the Eccentric project in Madrid, where several measures are concentrated. The goal is to achieve more sustainable mobility by combining the creation of more welcoming public spaces for vulnerable groups with the improvement of alternatives to cars: a multimodal transportation system where citizens have convenient and safe access to both conventional and emerging modes of transportation, facilitated through applications on their mobile phones. By observing the effects of these pilot measures and gathering feedback from residents, the City Council will be able to assess how to expand them to broader areas within the neighbourhood and to other neighbourhoods in Madrid.

Eccentric in Madrid is helping to overcome the barriers of isolation and exclusion in the urban periphery of Madrid by assessing the potential of some innovative tools.


Subir Bajar