Municipal network against trafficking and sexual exploitation - Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Municipal network against trafficking and sexual exploitation

The aim of the municipal network against trafficking and sexual exploitation is to guarantee the human rights of the women victims of trafficking and those suffering abuses in prostitution contexts through the comprehensive regaining of their lives, by means of a process of growing personal empowerment, where they are active agents and main actors of their own change.


The network is integrated by the following devices:

  • Centre of Comprehensive Assistance to Women Concepcion Arenal

The main goal of this Centre is to improve the psycho-social conditions of the women victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation purposes and in prostitution contexts, through comprehensive assistance, support and proposalof alternatives of personal, social and labour recovery necessary for the development of a personal life project apart from prostitution, so that the women who wish so, could give it up.

  • Centre of Emergency for Trafficking Victims Mariana Pineda

The Centre provides temporary protected, secure and immediate shelter and specialized comprehensive assistance to women victims of trafficking and other human rights abuses in prostitution contexts. Assistance is delivered in emergency situations and/or risk for their physical, psychical or social integrity, and in situations of extreme vulnerability, derived from the situation of trafficking and sexual exploitation suffered, demanding therefore secure, protected and immediate shelter for the women and minors under their care, as well as for the removal and disconnection of traffickers, pimps and exploiters.

  • Mobile Unit of Assistance.

Approaches women victims of trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation and/or in prostitution contexts in the different areas or spaces where they are around the city of Madrid. It has a significant function in the detection of trafficking victims. It offers information about health and social resources and services, and for the reduction of risks and damages derived from their situation. Referral, in its case, to the Assistance Centre Concepción Arenal for their comprehensive intervention. Delivers assistance from Monday to Sunday, adapting its routes as well as the frequency of the intervention to the circumstantial movements of women. Telephone 671 06 02 92; Email address

  • Shelter.  Refuges 'Casa Pandora' and semi-autonomous flat 'Malala'.

It provides assistance, protection and secure shelter to women alone or accompanied by their minor daughters or sons under their care, once they have been assessed and referred by the Centre of Comprehensive Assistance Concepcion Arenal. Enables women to choose either to look for alternatives to their situation as to materialize their need and right for protection, security and assistance, as well as the necessary distance from their traffickers, pimps and exploiters.

Pays particular attentionto the specialized intervention of the minors received. The intervention areas are the following: educational; legal; labour; psychological; security and protection, and social.

The municipal network is open and available to those women who desire so, being able in addition, to access it through the threefold way of entry of open spaces (street) or close (flats and premises); other entities of social initiative or on their own initiative, thus guaranteeing both the access as well as the intervention, without any previous bias due to the breach of requirements.

For the suitable delivery of assistance, the municipal devices integrating the Network work in close coordination with the rest of institutions, entities, Bodies and Forces of State Security-local police, national police, UCRIF (central, provincial and groups), Guardia Civil (UCO), embassies, etc.




Subir Bajar