City Council Technological Initiatives - Ayuntamiento de Madrid

Technological initiatives of the City Council

The city's technological initiatives are promoted both by the city council itself and through public-private partnerships. It highlights the attraction of investments in technological infrastructures that reinforce Madrid's digital strengths to become the great digital hub of southern Europe.

  • Clusters
    One of Madrid City Council's priority economic policy objectives is to strengthen advanced business services in the City. Hence the importance of clusters as a driving force for the knowledge economy, for the promotion of innovation and in order to generate added value and exploit synergies.
  • Decide Madrid
    Decide Madrid is the name of Madrid City Council's citizen participation portal and has a large community of people involved in participatory processes. It offers direct channels for proposing ideas that improve the quality of life for Madrid's citizens.
  • Fitur TechY
    The tourism sector is experiencing a strong resurgence. Forecasts and growth expectations are optimistic. New attitudes and routines are strongly influenced by the widespread use of technology, and increased awareness of climate change.
  • Geoportal
    The Geoportal is the main channel through which Madrid City Council distributes spatial data. It aims to provide citizens with a tool for consulting, viewing and downloading municipal geographic information.
  • Govtechlab Madrid
    A place where collaboration, experimentation and design come together to promote a new generation of digital public services focused on the needs of citizens.
  • Ifema
    Ifema Madrid was founded in 1980 by the Community of Madrid, the Madrid City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Montemadrid Foundation. We have a very clear objective: to provide a platform where people can share interests, challenges, concerns, knowledge, hobbies and passions.
  • Madrid 360
    Madrid 360 makes the fight against climate change compatible with economic development by promoting the transition to efficient air conditioning systems, the renewal of fleets, the promotion of public transport, the integration of all modes of transport, the reinforcement of road safety and innovation.
  • Madrid Destination
    A municipal company at the service of culture and tourism, citizens, visitors, professionals and companies, with the ultimate aim of achieving the provision of a quality public service under criteria of economic sustainability and, therefore, at the lowest possible cost for citizens.
  • Madrid Future
    We are a civil platform driven by professionals and companies, not for profit, and open to everyone's ideas and projects. Yours as well. Our aim is to promote projects that transform the city of Madrid and contribute to its sustainable growth.
  • Madrid Innovation Lab
    Madrid Innovation Lab is Madrid City Council's reference centre for artificial intelligence and other DeepTech technologies. It has a physical headquarters from which different activities are organised to further develop this sector.
  • Madrid Metropolitan Forest
    The concept under which the Metropolitan Forest is formulated is that of a Green Infrastructure that will extend over 75 kilometres of the city of Madrid and that will contribute, among other actions, to the rebalancing of the city and the fight against climate change.
  • Madrid New North
    Madrid New North is the great project of the Madrid of the 21st century. The most important urban transformation action to be undertaken by the Spanish capital and one of the most important in Europe, designed to improve the quality of life of its citizens, creating a more efficient, sustainable and prosperous Madrid.
  • Open Data Website
    Portal dedicated to promoting access to municipal government data and fostering the development of creative tools to engage and serve citizens. Open Data is a global initiative that aims to make data open, regular and reusable for everyone.
  • Sandbox Madrid
    Madrid City Council, together with Madrid Future, a non-profit association, has presented the first pilots to be tested in the Villaverde Mobility Sandbox, a unique opportunity to position our city in the top 10 Smart Cities in the world.
  • South Summit
    It is the largest annual event in Southern Europe, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, startups and corporations. This meeting, organised by IE University in collaboration with the Madrid City Council, is held in an omnichannel format and is hosted by La Nave.
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