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If you are from Madrid or you feel part of Madrid and you want to contribute to Madrid being recognised as one of the cities in the world with the best quality of life and lifestyle.

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Los campos marcados con *son obligatorios

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01. Formulario de envío
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The data collected on the Marca Madrid website will be used for the purpose, in the manner and with the limitations and rights set out in Regulation (EU) 2019/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (European Data Protection Regulation) and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights.

The data provided by users will be included in the personal files for which the Madrid Brand and Partnership Office is responsible. Users who provide personal data unequivocally consent to the incorporation of their data into the files containing data of this nature for which the Madrid Brand and Partnership Office is responsible, as well as the automated or partially automated processing of the same so that they may be used by the Madrid Brand and Partnership Office and by the companies that collaborate with it, as well as by the companies that collaborate with the Office in the performance of its functions, for the purpose of sending communications or newsletters, carrying out studies or analyses on the city brand, and developing programmes or activities coordinated by the aforementioned Office that are related to the promotion and branding of the city of Madrid.

The Madrid Brand and Partnership Office is authorised by the user to make use of the personal data in its possession and to process them as necessary for the development of its "Madrid promotion and branding" purposes, reserving the right to delete all data belonging to users who do not meet the criteria for the development of its institutional and corporate activities.

Users may revoke their consent at any time, although without retroactive effects, as well as freely exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition and portability of their data in the terms indicated in the aforementioned regulations in accordance with the legally established procedure. These rights may be exercised by writing to the Madrid Brand and Partnership Office by e-mail to:

If you wish to receive more information on Madrid City Council's data processing policy, you can do so by following this link


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